This Thursday April 22, 2021 at 5:00pm
The Redwood City Council and City Staff will host a virtual Community Meeting to discuss Public Safety Services and the Budget.
The Farm Hill Neighborhood Association is asking residents to attend this very important meeting to ask our City Council and City Staff to increase funding for Fire Services.
The Wildfire risk in the Farm Hill, Canyon, and Emerald Hills Neighborhoods is great and continues to grow. At times, the fire risk is so high, PG&E shuts our power off for several days at a time.
Cal-Fire has already indicated that the 2021 Wildfire Season will be exceptionally difficult due to the lack of rainfall this winter.
A reduction in Fire Services could literally make the difference between life and death or the total destruction of neighborhoods and homes.
We simply can't afford to not have a FULLY funded Fire Department.
If you cannot attend on Thursday, you can e-mail your comments to and we will submit them on your behalf.
Registration for the meeting is required.
Please register at
