Our new Mayor and Vice Mayor will each serve two year terms.
City Staff is recommending the selection of Vice Mayor Giselle Hale as Mayor and Councilmember Diana Reddy to serve as Vice Mayor, in accordance with the procedure outlined in City Council Policy No. 2019-02 Selection of Mayor and Vice Mayor.
Tonight's meeting will be held on Zoom and begin at 6:00 pm. Here's how you can watch and participate in tonight's meeting.
On Zoom
Meeting ID: 994 8182 5639
Dial-in audio: (669) 900-6833
The meeting will be broadcast live to Redwood City residents on Astound Broadband cable Channel 26 and Comcast cable Channel 27, AT&T U-verse Channel 99.
The meeting will be streamed live via the City’s website at www.redwoodcity.org
To read more about the process and how Redwood City selects a Mayor and Vice Mayor, please see the Staff Report and related attachments below.
Tonight's City Council Meeting Agenda