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The True Cost of Redwood City's Sewer Service Fee Proposal.

Writer's picture: Johanna RasmussenJohanna Rasmussen

As many of you know, the Farm Hill Neighborhood has been closely following the City of Redwood City's Sewer Service Fee Proposal.

In May, City staff came to our Neighborhood meeting and gave a presentation on this proposal. Later in the meeting, our neighborhood voted to formally OPPOSE it.

On May 10, 2021, the proposal appeared on Council's Consent Calendar. I attended this meeting and voiced our neighborhood's concerns and opposition during Public Comment. Councilmember Aguirre, the elected representative for District 7, which includes Farm Hill, made the motion to approve the Consent Calendar and move the issue forward. The Council then voted unanimously to advance the proposal.

City Council will vote to approve the Sewer Service Fee Proposal this Monday night!

If Council approves this proposal, the city will add the annual Sewer Service Fee to our Property Tax Bill. Currently, these fees are billed bi-monthly with our water and garbage bill.

Why Does This Matter?

The costs and consequences will impact every Homeowner in Redwood City.

78% of residents in the Farm Hill Neighborhood are Homeowners.

What does the City of Redwood City charge if you are late paying sewer fees now?

  • 1.5% interest if not paid within 30 days.

  • 5% or $3.00 (whichever is higher) if they issue a Shut-Off Notice.

  • With a $3.00 minimum, late fees are typically less than $15.00.

What does the County charge if you are late paying your Property Taxes?

  • Late by 1 Day- 10% off the entire Tax Bill.

  • Plus Fees of 1.5% of the total amount owed, compounded daily, until the balance is paid in full.

  • Plus a Redemption Fee $35.00

San Mateo County does NOT accept partial payments on Property Taxes..

If your property tax payment arrives late, even by one day, fees and penalties apply to the ENTIRE Tax Bill.

Here are some examples of how this proposal may impact you.

The proposed annual Sewer Service Fee is $1,071.36

  • I bought my home in 1970. My Property Taxes are $1,855.00 a year or $927.50 per installment. My Property Tax bill will now be $2,926.36 The minimum amount I will pay for being 1 day late is $292.64

  • I bought my home in 2000. My Property Taxes are $12,965.00 a year or $6,482.50 per installment. My Property Tax bill will now be $14,036.36 The minimum amount I will pay if I am 1 day late is $1,403.64.

  • I bought my home in 2020. My Property Taxes are $29,375.00 a year or $14,687.50 per installment. My Property Tax bill will now be $30,446.36 The minimum amount I will pay if I am 1 day late is: $3,044.64

COVID-19 has shown us all how quickly finances can change.

Why the City of Redwood City is seeking to make this change or willing to subject homeowners to these harsh fees and penalties; just as we are recovering from a wolrdwide pandemic has not been explained.

The Farm Hill Neighborhood has started a Petition to give All Redwood City Residents the opportunity to join us in voicing their opposition to this proposal. You can sign the petition at

Please share the petition with family, friends, and neighbors who live in Redwood City.

With just a few more days left until Council votes, EVERY signature will make a difference.

If you prefer to express your oppostion to this proposal via e-mail, you can do so at

With your help, we will STOP our City Council from passing this on Monday Night!

In Solidarity-

Chairwoman- Farm Hill Neighborhood

If you would like to watch our May Farm Hill Neighborhood Meeting you can do so here!


Farm Hill
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